Top Hints for Escape Rooms

Are you ready for your escape room experience? You might be ready and full of excitement, or perhaps you’re full of fear at the thought of being locked in and not knowing what to do. Don’t be, because in our post today we’re going to be going through some hints and tips on how to get out of an escape room successfully.

Team Building Activities With Your Employer

Firstly, if it’s a team building activity, you’re not going to have much choice who you share your room with, but it is a good opportunity to showcase your skills and show how good you are at communicating with your fellow workers. So, be on your best behaviour and take advantage of an away day from the office desk where you can really shine.

Make Sure You Choose People You Get On With

If you’re going as part of a group of friends try to choose people you know you’re not only going to get on with, but who also bring along the requisite skills to help you all escape. The goal of the exercise is to solve a range of hidden cryptic clues and puzzles, so you can get out in under an hour. You need people who have great communication and problem-solving skills and who can think and act on their feet. Naturally, you need to be able to get on with them, because in an enclosed space with no means of escape until you solve the clues, you’re going to be locked in up close and personal, cheek to jowl. Better that you surround yourself with people you get on with.

Keep Your Clues Safe

Yes, we said the clues are hidden, in which case you need to be sharp-eyed, prepared to search high and low for those all-important clues. Once you find them, don’t discard them and immediately run off to find the next. What you need to be doing is keeping all the clues you find together in a safe place, so once you’ve found all of them, you can sit down and work them out. If you’ve lost one of them in all the excitement, then it could unravel your plans to escape the room – so be careful.

Communication Is Key

We’ve already referred to communication once already, but as you can imagine, communication is key to escaping. If you think you have an idea of what a clue means, then do make sure the rest of the team hear you. Make sure that everyone has an opportunity to be heard, and that you all have your say. Don’t let one person dominate, each member of the team should be able to contribute in a meaningful way.

Check Timings

Keep in mind that one hour isn’t very long. It’s important therefore to use that 60 minutes you do have very carefully. Don’t spend too much time on the one clue, forgetting about all the others there are still to discover, you may find that by coming back to that clue you’re stuck on later, that it’s easier to solve.

Most importantly of all, it’s important to enjoy yourself. There’s no point turning up and then getting stressed out by the clues and puzzles, so you enjoy none of it. You may not even escape in time, but if that is the case, remember that at least you tried, and you can always try again, and why wouldn’t you? This is the best fun to have in an hour.

Escape Games Peterborough – For The Best 60 Minutes of Your Life.

Come to Peterborough and try our escape games, you’ll have a choice of themed rooms, which are currently Capture Charles the 1st, 221B Baker Street and Witchcraft & Wizardry. Whichever one you choose you’re going to have a great time, and now you have a few hints to help you have that all-important advantage, why not book your favourite room?